STEM Involvement
There are many curricular and extracurricular opportunities to get involved in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) at NWU.
STEM Seminar (IDS 1920)
STEM Seminar is a course in which students explore the infinite variety of STEM career paths and practice aspects of personal development that will foster success in college and beyond. This is accomplished through bimonthly discussions, presentations, and activities, including regular guest presentations from STEM-oriented professionals and alumni in industry and academia. We also tour a local STEM-oriented company once each semester.
NWU Pre-Health Club
he NWU Pre-Health Club is a campus organization designed to help students understand the professional school application process and offer unique opportunities to students interested in pursuing a career in health and health-related professions. This club meets monthly, and meetings often include invited speakers and health-related volunteer opportunities.
The NWU Cooper Center offers tutoring services in a wide variety of disciplines. Tutors are NWU students who have demonstrated competence in a particular subject area and have good communication skills, and they are trained by Cooper Center staff to assist their peers with critical thinking and study strategies in addition to course content. If you are interested in serving as a STEM tutor, contact Dr. Hayes (mhayes [at] (mhayes[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)) for more information.
Stockroom Assistant (CHEM 2910)
Stockroom assistants work with the stockroom manager to prepare the materials required for biology and chemistry laboratory courses. Students will learn how to make solutions, operate machinery, and dispose of waste, developing technical benchtop skills that will be useful in a variety of laboratory environments beyond NWU. Stockroom assistants may receive Experiential Learning Exploratory credit or receive an hourly rate for their work.
Teaching Assistant (CHEM 2920)
Teaching assistants (TAs) work side-by-side with Chemistry faculty to facilitate laboratory courses. Duties include experiment set-up, clean-up, and answering student questions, all of which provide an excellent opportunity to review the lab material, gain technical skills, and network with the supervising chemistry faculty member. TAs may receive Experiential Learning Exploratory credit or receive an hourly rate for their work.